Business Analysis

Intended participants

Expected effects
You can develop strategies that make the most effective use of management resources such as human resources, time, and finances.
It helps you find ways to grow your business while adapting to changing market conditions.
Target audience and expected results

Business analysis involves analyzing, comparing, and examining the figures obtained from financial statements to understand a company's financial and management status.
By taking the ratio of numbers, rather than just the size of the actual numbers on the financial statements, you can compare companies of different sizes and industries and analyze the situation of the company. We will explain the representative indicators for the analysis items of profitability, efficiency, safety, and growth.

What you'll learn
Profitability Analysis
Efficiency Analysis
Safety Analysis
Growth Analysis

1 person/12 months/5,500 yen (tax included)
*We also offer a 12-month plan with unlimited number of participants per company.
Please contact us separately.
Course Details


Learning Style
Video, test

Standard study time
Approximately 2 hours and 50 minutes

Completion criteria
Complete or pass all chapters