[5] Case studies: Basic skills for working in the era of 100-year life spans

Intended participants
Accepted employees, new employees, mid-career employees

Expected effects
"Basic Social Skills for the 100-Year Life" is effective for a wide range of levels, from new recruits and new hires to mid-level employees who are stuck with outdated values and have not updated their work.
You will understand why "basic social skills for the 100-year life era" are necessary.
You will learn how to hone and improve your "three abilities and 12 ability elements."
If "Basic skills for working in the era of 100-year life spans" becomes a common language within the company, we can expect to see a synergy effect among members.
Target audience and expected results

"Basic skills for working in the era of 100-year life spans" is a new skill set proposed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for working adults. It is defined as the skills required to continue to play an active role at each stage of life in the longer-than-ever relationships with companies, organizations and society, and is made up of three perspectives (1) purpose: how to play an active role, 2) learning: what to learn, and 3) integration: how to learn), three abilities (1) ability to step forward, 2) ability to think things through, and 3) ability to work in a team), and 12 ability elements (1) initiative, 2) ability to influence, 3) ability to execute, 4) ability to identify problems, 5) ability to plan, 6) creativity, 7) ability to communicate, 8) ability to listen, 9) flexibility, 10) ability to grasp the situation, 11) discipline, and 12) ability to control stress).
In addition, in order to update these skills, it is important to constantly reflect on yourself - in other words, "experiential learning."
This e-learning course is comprised of a case drama with two new employees as the main characters, an explanatory section, and an end-of-chapter test. The case drama carefully depicts the 12 ability elements through the various business experiences the two main characters encounter on a daily basis. The explanatory section looks back on the case drama and introduces methods and ways of thinking that will help improve your skills. This will deepen the participants' understanding and lead to changes in their awareness and behavior.

What you'll learn
Chapter 1 The Power to Step Forward
What are the "basic skills for working in the era of 100-year life spans"?
"The power to step forward "
Influencing power
Ability to execute
End of chapter test
Chapter 2 The Ability to Think Thoroughly
"The ability to think things through "
Ability to identify problems
Planning Ability
End of chapter test
Chapter 3: The power of working in a team
Ability to work in a team
Communication power
Listening skills
Ability to grasp the situation
Stress control ability
Summary of "Basic Social Skills for the 100-Year Life Era"
End of chapter test

1 person/12 months/5,500 yen (tax included)
*We also offer a 12-month plan with unlimited number of participants per company.
Please contact us separately.
Course Details


Learning Style
Video, test

Standard study time
Approx. 100 minutes

Completion criteria
Complete or pass all chapters