
Intended participants
Mid-level, Leaders, Managers

Expected effects
You will develop the ability to break down problems into clear structures and find paths to solving them.
You will have the ability to play a central role and provide the right direction for the goals your organization is trying to achieve.
Target audience and expected results

A framework is a way of thinking that organizes all elements without overlap or omission. If you use it to analyze a situation, organize a problem, or put together a plan or idea, you can work more efficiently, so it is essential for increasing work productivity and the quality of output. We will introduce some representative frameworks, focusing on those with high versatility.

What you'll learn
Strategic Thinking
Environmental Analysis Framework
Economies of scale and the experience curve
Strategy Development

1 person/12 months/5,500 yen (tax included)
*We also offer a 12-month plan with unlimited number of participants per company.
Please contact us separately.
Course Details


Learning Style
Video, test

Standard study time
Approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes

Completion criteria
Complete or pass all chapters