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Business hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday-Friday)


Training Features

Training Features

Communication Board

Communication Board

Supports information sharing and discussion

Expected results

By providing a forum for communication, we encourage employees to resolve questions before and after training, solve problems in the workplace, and strengthen bonds between employees.

For example, the instructor can ask questions to the participants and have them discuss with each other, it can be used as a communication tool for group assignments, and it can be used as a place to connect with classmates after the training to share worries and experiences in the field, as well as useful materials and websites. It can be used for a variety of purposes.

Function details

Can post topics and comments

The Communication Board is a bulletin board-like feature linked to a course.
Students, mentors, superiors, instructors, and administrators can post topics and comments. Attachments can also be posted.
The Communication Board can be used continuously regardless of the course duration.

Get notified by email when a post is made

There is also a feature to notify you of new posts via email, so when someone posts something you can access it directly from the URL provided in the email.

Inappropriate posts can be deleted

You can create topics and delete inappropriate posts from the admin screen.


SmartSkill Campus feature details

SmartSkill Campus機能詳細




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