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Business hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday-Friday)


Attendance function

Attendance function

Distribution and viewing of lecture materials and files

Distribution and viewing of lecture materials and files

Any file format can be registered

Expected results

You can register advance training materials and study texts.

In addition to being used for learning purposes, it can also be used for publishing company newsletters and internal manuals.

Detailed security settings are also available for PDF documents.

Function details

View and download materials from the course curriculum screen

Students can view and download materials from the curriculum screen of the course they are taking. They can view lecture texts and obtain files for assignments.

Supports a variety of file formats, and external links are also supported

You can register any file format, such as PDF, Excel, Word, etc. If you want to present a website as a document, you can set up a link to the website as the document. You can present a website as a document just like text or files, so you won't forget to distribute it.

Prohibition of printing and downloading PDF files

You can set whether or not PDF documents can be printed or downloaded.

Display related materials and URLs on the course application screen

You can easily attach course-related materials to the course application screen, so students can get an overview of the course from the materials. The application approver can also view the same data and use it to decide whether or not to accept the application.

Easy to replace

If documents need to be replaced due to revisions, etc., they can be easily replaced using the copy function.


SmartSkill Campus feature details

SmartSkill Campus機能詳細




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