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Udemy Integration

Udemy Integration

Information from external learning services can also be consolidated and centrally managed.

Expected results

By linking with external learning services via API, administrators can efficiently check the overall learning situation and progress. In addition, while it is time-consuming to integrate and analyze learning data when it is distributed, consolidating it in SmartSkill Campus makes it easier to utilize the data and enables data-driven strategy formulation.

Students can view all courses on the course screen, allowing them to start their studies smoothly.

Function details

Check Udemy courses from the course screen

Information such as the Udemy course name and course summary can be viewed on the SmartSkill Campus course screen. If there is a course you would like to take, you can move to the corresponding course on Udemy with one click and start taking the course.
Administrators can recommend Udemy courses to students on SmartSkill Campus.

Automatically link your Udemy course history

Data on ongoing and completed courses on Udemy will be automatically linked to SmartSkill Campus.
Students can also check their own course history on their My Page.


SmartSkill Campus feature details

SmartSkill Campus機能詳細




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