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Business hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday-Friday)



The role of LMS in human capital management

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry defines human capital management as "a management style that regards human resources as capital and maximizes their value, thereby increasing corporate value in the medium to long term."

Human Capital

What is human capital management?

If a company invests in human capital and can maximize the qualities and abilities of its employees, it can improve the performance of the entire company. This outcome is expected to have a positive impact on the company's financial situation, such as increased sales and profits. In other words, human capital management is an effort to link employee growth to the growth of the entire organization and to improve corporate value.

To improve the value of human capital

Improving human capital value means that employees' abilities, skills, knowledge, experience, etc. improve, and their individual value increases accordingly. Human capital management aims to increase human capital value by improving abilities and skills through investment in employees.

Employees with improved human capital value will be more productive and produce higher quality work results. This will improve the productivity and creativity of the entire company and strengthen its competitiveness. In addition, by providing appropriate evaluations and rewards to employees who have achieved results, employees will become even more motivated, promoting sustained improvements in human capital value. These processes complement each other and are important factors in realizing the sustainable growth and development of a company.

Mechanism for improving the value of human capital

In order to make appropriate investments in employees, it is necessary to create a talent portfolio based on the business strategy, identify the gap with the current situation, formulate a human resources strategy, and create and implement a talent development plan.
LMS plays an important role in implementing human resource development and effectively supporting employee skill development and capacity building. It also allows for the centralized management and extraction of data related to human resource development required for human capital information disclosure.

Career development support

The role of LMS in human capital management

The role of LMS in human capital management

Providing education in line with human resource development plans and capacity building systems

An LMS can provide personalized learning content to each employee, allowing them to efficiently acquire the skills and knowledge they need by providing learning content that complements any skills that may be lacking.
Furthermore, by using the LMS to clarify the career path that employees are aiming for and supporting them in acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve that, employees can effectively study towards their career goals.
In this way, an LMS provides strong support for employee skill development and career development.

SmartSkill Campus allows you to customize the UI (user interface) such as the top page for your own company. By designing the course screen so that students can see at a glance the learning content required to acquire the skills and knowledge required for their current grade and the next grade up, students can learn the content they need without getting lost.
In addition, the service supports employees' career development by allowing administrators to intentionally display "recommended courses" that reflect the company's human resource development strategy, and by using AI to provide learning content tailored to each employee, a recommendation function is also available.

Implementing educational policies

LMS allows you to develop and implement educational programs online, so you can also implement large-scale programs. Employees can learn anytime, anywhere, without being restricted by location or time, and can improve their skills even in between busy work schedules. In addition, an environment where they can learn as many times as they like allows employees to repeatedly review the learning content and deepen their understanding. Creating such an environment promotes the habit of learning and the development of autonomous human resources, and by allowing employees to realize their own growth, it also leads to improved engagement.

SmartSkill Campus is equipped with an infrastructure that allows for large-scale operation, allowing a large number of students to simultaneously watch videos, take tests, and conduct surveys, etc. This makes it possible to implement large-scale educational initiatives.
Not only is it compatible with multiple devices, but there is also a smartphone app, and by providing an environment where you can learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere, and as many times as you like, it helps to make learning a habit and fosters the development of independent human resources.

Embedding in corporate culture

When employees empathize with the company's mission and vision and naturally take actions to put them into practice, you can expect them to work together toward the organization's goals and act based on shared values.
By using an LMS to deliver content related to the company's mission and vision, messages from the president, and the latest company trends, employees can deepen their understanding and empathy with the corporate culture and be more likely to become a part of it.

SmartSkill Campus allows you to freely distribute original company videos and materials, so you can easily distribute them to all employees, such as a message from the president at the beginning of the fiscal year or in company newsletters, and you can also check the viewing history of participants and conduct surveys. Access control is possible, such as denying access from outside the company and disallowing PDF downloads, so you can safely register highly confidential content.

You can also easily create content with audio by using the function that converts PowerPoint materials into e-learning content.

Ethics and Compliance Training

Ethics and compliance education is also specified as one of the disclosure items in "ISO30414" described below. Compliance is essential for a company to maintain sustainable management and build social trust.

By utilizing the LMS, we can reduce risks to your company by regularly conducting training on compliance, information security, harassment, and other issues.

SmartSkill Campus can deliver content on compliance, information security, harassment, etc. We also offer general-purpose courses, so please feel free to use them.

LMS in Human Capital Disclosure Initiatives

What is ISO 30414, a guideline for disclosure of information on human capital?

ISO30414 is a guideline for disclosure of information on human capital published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in December 2018, and is also known as the "Guideline for Disclosure of Information on Human Capital." It is a compilation of guidelines for reporting on human capital to external and internal stakeholders, and consists of 11 areas and 58 items. It is up to the company to decide which items to disclose.
By disclosing information in accordance with ISO30414, you can provide transparent and consistent reporting, which will help you gain the trust of external stakeholders, including investors. In addition, because ISO30414 clearly defines standards and makes it easy to quantify human capital, you can properly evaluate whether your human resources strategy is functioning in line with your business strategy, and use this information to formulate more effective strategies.

ISO30414 items that can be extracted from LMS

Among the items stipulated in ISO30414, typical data that can be extracted from an LMS include the following:

  • "Ethics and Compliance" area, "Percentage of employees who have received ethics and compliance training"

  • "9. Skills and Abilities" area, "2. Training Participation Rate"

  • "9. Skills and Abilities" area, "3. Training hours per employee"

  • "9. Skills and Abilities" area, "4. Training Attendance Rate by Category"

In addition, various items can be extracted and compiled depending on the company's purpose for using the data, such as age, gender, disability, diversity of management, and number of subordinates per manager.

ISOa30414 items that can be extracted from LMS-1
ISOa30414 items that can be extracted from LMS-2

Linking LMS and talent management systems to create a system for disclosing and developing human capital items

The challenges of human resource development in human capital management include a lack of coordination between human capital plans and actual development activities, and the lack of automation, which places too much of a burden on human resource development staff. As a result, plans may not be realized, or they may be difficult to implement on an ongoing basis, causing them to give up.
This issue can be resolved by linking the LMS with a talent management system. Linking the "talent management system," which is the basis for disclosing human capital information and formulating plans, with the "LMS (Learning Management System)," which executes training measures, enables integrated human resource management, enabling efficient planning and execution of training measures, provision of individually optimized learning, and improved engagement by visualizing career paths and growth.

SmartSkill Campus works with the new talent management system "SmartSkill HCE" to realize human capital management. SmartSkill HCE's "visualization of personnel strategies" and SmartSkill Campus's "improvement of capabilities" are automatically linked, and AI is used to "advance personnel strategies and training education," which strongly promotes human capital management.

SmartSkill Campus also automatically integrates with various other talent management systems.

SmartSkill Campus Free individual consultation and request for information

REVIC Global, the company that provides SmartSkill Campus, has a proven track record of implementing LMS for many companies with advanced requirements, and is highly skilled in proposing LMS implementation and utilization support to realize customers' educational ideas.
Our LMS professionals have the technical background of our own development and the know-how we have cultivated through accompanying customer success, and will help you select the appropriate LMS.

You can download detailed information about SmartSkill Campus, including its service overview, strengths, our support services, global support, and benefits of implementation.

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Business hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday-Friday)

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