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You can download our product documents, company information, and materials that will be useful in selecting and utilizing our LMS services.

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Product information and company information

Document images (Easy to understand! LMS/e-learning study materials set of 3)

Easy to understand! LMS/e-learning study materials set of 3

For those considering introducing or switching to e-learning, you can download three consideration materials all at once.

  • SmartSkill Campus (LMS)

  • E-learning Content Catalog

  • Company Profile

Reference image (SmartSkill Campus, an LMS that develops people who can learn and grow independently)

An LMS that develops people who can learn and grow on their own
"SmartSkill Campus"

SmartSkill Campus is an LMS (Learning Management System) that combines a variety of functions, learning mechanisms, and appropriate content with the aim of cultivating autonomous human resources (human resources who can learn and grow on their own). Participants are provided with an individually optimized educational program, and the education staff (supervisors) manage the progress of the course in real time. It is possible to follow up everything from smooth information sharing to on-site practice. In addition, through a communication board that supports information sharing and discussions with colleagues and seniors, it encourages the formation of a community and supports individual awareness and growth.

Document images (e-learning content catalogue)


This is a list of about 300 e-learning contents handled by REVIC Global. We have a wide lineup, including content for each level, such as new employees, young and mid-career employees, and management level, as well as language, MBA, IT skills, compliance, etc.

This is all you need to solve your e-learning problems.
"Smart Skills Library"

"Smart Skill Library" is an online education service that covers on-site human resource development and OJT for all levels of employees, from new recruits to managers. With high cost performance and a wealth of content, it supports efficient and effective human resource development and on-site strength improvement.

Reference image (company profile)

Company Profile

REVIC Global supports a wide range of companies by providing a one-stop service that promises everything from building educational systems to providing a wide range of content and optimal operation for each company. We also introduce the details of our services and examples of operation.

Useful resources

Reference image (What I want to know! In-company video production)

Here's what you need to know! Corporate video production

This document explains the basics of in-house video production for video beginners who want to create videos for in-house training or learning but don't know how to produce or order them, or don't know how to express things in a way that will be easy for participants to understand.

Document images (7 points to keep in mind when selecting an LMS service)

Seven points to keep in mind when selecting an LMS service

This document introduces seven points on what kind of LMS you should choose to develop, implement, and succeed in your company's human resource development measures. Whether you are a company manager introducing an LMS for the first time or a manager considering switching LMS, we believe that by following this document, you will be able to see the "best LMS for your company." We hope you will find it useful.

Image of the document (6 points for successful LMS operation)

Six points for successful LMS operation

This document will introduce you to "what points to consider when planning LMS operations." Simply introducing an LMS is not enough. Some companies say that they introduced an LMS but it never took root, while others have achieved great results by introducing an LMS. The key to effectively utilizing an LMS and resolving human resource development issues is "how to operate the LMS after introduction." We hope that this document will help you understand the key points of LMS operation and use an LMS effectively and efficiently in a way that suits your company. Please use it as a reference.

"SmartSkill HCE" is a new talent management system that realizes human capital management

"SmartSkill HCE" is a new talent management system that resolves the lack of coordination and automation between human resource strategies and skills development, and realizes human capital management.

HR data indicators necessary for management decision-making are visualized from various perspectives, and the data is visualized so that it can be easily understood at a glance.

In addition, automatic integration with LMS provides personalized learning that fills skill gaps, improving the value of employee human capital.

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