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Business hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday-Friday)


privacy policy

Established: November 1, 2006 Revised: March 1, 2013

REVIC Global Co., Ltd. President and CEO Osamu Kashiwagi

REVIC Global Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") fully recognizes its social mission regarding the protection of all personal information handled by our company in order to contribute to the realization of an advanced knowledge society through our human resource development support services and technical education services, and will comply with the protection of the rights of individuals and laws and regulations regarding personal information. In addition, we have established a personal information protection management system to embody the policy shown below, and hereby declare that we will work as a company to continuously improve it while always keeping abreast of the latest IT trends, changes in social demand, and fluctuations in the business environment.

  1. We will only acquire, use and provide personal information to the extent necessary for the legitimate conduct of our business, employment of employees and personnel management, and will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use.

  2. We will comply with laws, regulations, national guidelines and other standards regarding personal information protection.

  3. We will take reasonable safety measures to prevent the risk of personal information being leaked, lost, or damaged, and will continually improve our personal information security system by investing management resources in line with the actual circumstances of our business. In the unlikely event that such a situation occurs, we will take prompt corrective measures.

  4. We will respond promptly, sincerely and appropriately to any complaints or inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

  5. We will continually improve our personal information protection management system by reviewing it in a timely and appropriate manner in response to changes in the environment surrounding our company.

This policy will be distributed to all employees to ensure that they are aware of it, and will also be posted on our website, etc., so that it is available to anyone at any time.


For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact the following office.

Sumitomo Real Estate Shiba Building 2nd Building, 4th Floor, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014 REVIC Global Co., Ltd. Administration Department Personal Information Inquiry Section
TEL: 03-6824-9781 (reception hours 10:00-17:30)

*Inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, the New Year holidays, Golden Week, and during the summer holidays will be processed from the next business day.

Handling of Personal Information

Established: November 1, 2006 Revised: April 1, 2022

REVIC GLOBAL Co., Ltd. will take great care in managing the personal information entrusted to us by our users and will handle it in accordance with the following principles.


2. Name, affiliation and contact details of the administrator


Administrator Name

Personal information protection manager Osamu Kashiwagi


REVIC GLOBAL Inc. Management Department

contact address

TEL: 03-6824-9781

1. Name of business operator

3. Definition of Personal Information

Personal information refers to information that can identify an individual, such as an address, name, telephone number, email address, place of employment, course information and grade information for human resources development support services or technical education services, and other descriptions, etc. It also includes information that can be easily collated with other information to identify a specific individual.

4. Acquisition of Personal Information

  1. When obtaining directly

    When we directly acquire personal information, we will do so only through lawful and fair means, and will publish necessary information such as the purpose of use on our website.

  2. When obtained indirectly

    When obtaining personal information indirectly, we will verify whether the information was obtained properly from the individual concerned.

5. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We will use the information provided by our customers to the extent necessary for the performance of contracts and transactions with our customers.

  1. Purpose of use of personal information handled in inquiries and requests for information (subject to disclosure)

    • Sending the materials you requested

    • Responses to inquiries

    • Providing information on products and services, campaigns, seminars and events, etc.

  2. Purpose of use of personal information handled during the free trial and document download (subject to disclosure)

    • Notification of how to download the free trial or materials you have applied for

    • Responses to inquiries

    • Providing information on products and services, campaigns, seminars and events, etc.

  3. Purpose of use of personal information handled in the learning portal service and self-development support service (subject to disclosure)

    • Responses to inquiries

    • Implementation and operation of learning portal services (delivery of learning materials, grade management, participant management, etc.)

    • Reporting to affiliated corporations on the implementation and operation of the Service (including reports on course application status, attendance status, and response status to inquiries)

    • Other purposes of use within the scope of the contract with the customer or purposes of use with the customer's consent

  4. Purpose of use of personal information handled by Globalization Services (subject to disclosure)

    • Responses to inquiries

    • Selection of translators and interpreters and notification of the results

    • Reference information on the translators' and interpreters' work history and other business capabilities

    • To transfer materials and make various contacts in carrying out translation and interpretation related work

    • Providing information on translation and interpretation, and providing support for improving skills

    Purpose of use of personal information handled at the seminar (subject to disclosure)

    • Responses to inquiries

    • Contact regarding the seminar you have applied for

    • Providing information on products and services, campaigns, seminars and events, etc.

    Company employee information (subject to disclosure)

    • For employee personnel management, business management, health management, and security management

  5. Information on job applicants to our company (subject to disclosure)

    • To contact job applicants and manage our recruitment operations

  6. Personal information entrusted to us by our customers in connection with the commissioning of business (subject to non-disclosure)

    • To properly carry out the entrusted business

6. Voluntary provision of personal information

Providing personal information to our company is optional. However, if you do not provide the personal information required for each service, it may be difficult to provide the service smoothly. Please note in advance.

7. Provision of personal information to third parties

As a general rule, we will not provide personal information to third parties without the customer's consent. We will only provide personal information to third parties with the customer's consent after specifying the recipient and the content of the information to be provided. However, in the following cases, we may provide personal information without the customer's consent, provided that it does not violate applicable laws and regulations.

  1. If we determine that the customer is causing harm to a third party

  2. When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent

  3. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national or local government agency, or a person commissioned by them, in carrying out duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the customer's consent is likely to impede the performance of those duties

  4. When disclosure of personal information is requested by a court, the public prosecutor's office, the police, a bar association, a consumer center, or an organization with equivalent authority.

  5. When a customer explicitly requests disclosure or provision to a third party

  6. When disclosure or provision is permitted by law

8. Scope of Third Parties

In the following cases, the recipient of personal information will not be considered a third party.

  1. When the Company outsources all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use (the Company will be responsible for the handling of personal information by the third party)

  2. When personal information is provided in connection with business succession due to a merger or other reasons.

9. Disclaimer regarding provision to third parties

In the following cases, we shall not bear any responsibility regarding the acquisition of personal information by a third party.

  1. When a customer or their corporation applies for a learning course through the learning portal service and self-development support service and discloses personal information to the educational provider

  2. If the individual is unintentionally identified based on information entered by other customers on this website

  3. When personal information is provided by a customer and used on an external site linked to our website

  4. If a person other than the customer obtains information that can identify the customer (ID, password, etc.)

The self-development support service operated by our company is a service that accepts applications for study courses hosted by educational providers on our website. Personal information provided when applying for a study course will be stored by each educational provider for the purpose of providing the study course, sending study materials, managing grades, etc. Please contact each educational provider directly for information on how they handle personal information stored by them.

10. Handling of personal information by educational providers (partner companies)

11. Entrustment of Personal Information Handling

In order to provide better service to our customers, we outsource some of our business operations. We may entrust personal information to these outsourcing companies. In such cases, we select outsourcing companies that are deemed to handle personal information appropriately, and in contracts, etc., we determine the necessary matters to prevent leakage of personal information by proper management of personal information and confidentiality, and ensure that the information is managed appropriately.

12. Use of statistically processed data

In order to carry out the commissioned work, we may create statistical data based on the personal information provided, which has been processed so that individuals cannot be identified. Statistical data that does not identify individuals will be used as statistical data for the purposes of research, review, planning, etc., aimed at the smooth provision of the Service and the improvement of the Service.

13. Notification of matters related to retained personal data or records of provision to third parties

As a general rule, only the customer himself/herself (or, in the case of the Learning Portal Service, only the affiliated corporation) may request the disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, and suspension of provision to third parties of registered personal information. For specific methods, please check the procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc. below. However, we may not comply with requests for disclosure if there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the customer or a third party, if there is a risk of significant interference with the proper implementation of the Service, or if it violates other laws and regulations.

In addition, if suspending the use of the personal information or suspending its provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "Suspension of Use, etc.") would require a significant amount of expense, or if it is difficult to implement Suspension of Use, etc., and we take alternative measures necessary to protect your rights and interests, we may not comply with your request for Suspension of Use, etc.

  1. Contact for requests for disclosure, etc.

    Sumitomo Real Estate Shiba Building No. 2, 4th Floor, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan REVIC Global Co., Ltd. Administration Department Personal Information Complaints and Inquiries Desk Manager
    TEL: 03-6824-9781 (reception hours 10:00-17:30)

  2. Procedures for requests for disclosure of retained personal data or records of provision to a third party

    1. After receiving your request, we will send you a designated request form, the "Request for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data," by mail.

    2. Please send the completed request form, a copy of the document verifying your identity (or a document verifying that you are the agent, if requesting through a proxy), and a postal money order for the handling fee (only for requests for notification of purpose of use and disclosure) to the Personal Information Inquiry Office listed above.

    3. If you wish to have your information disclosed via electromagnetic procedures, please let us know. As a general rule, we will comply with your request.

  3. How to verify your identity

    <Documents to prove your identity>

    • driver's license

    • Passport

    • Health insurance card

    • Residence card

    • Special permanent resident certificate

  4. If requesting through a representative, documents verifying the representative's identity

    If the person requesting disclosure, etc. is an agent, please enclose documents certifying that the agent is an agent and documents certifying the agent himself/herself. The registered domicile information included in each document should be limited to the prefecture, and any subsequent information should be blacked out or otherwise processed. In addition, each document should not include the personal number, or all digits should be blacked out or processed.

    1. Documents proving that you are an agent

      <In the case of a representative designated by the individual to make a request for disclosure, etc.>

      • Power of attorney from the person in question (original)

      <If the representative is a legal representative of a minor> A copy of either

      • Family register

      • Resident's card (stating family relationship)

      • Other official documents that can verify legal representation

      <If the representative is a legal representative of an adult ward> A copy of either

      • Certificate of registration of guardianship etc.

      • Other official documents that can verify legal representation

    2. Documents verifying the identity of the agent

      • driver's license

      • Passport

      • Health insurance card

      • Resident card

  5. Fee for requesting notification of purpose of use or disclosure

    1,000 yen per request (If you are making a request in writing, please enclose a postal money order with your invoice or other document. If you wish to make a request by other method, we will discuss this with you at the time of your request.)

14.Accuracy of Personal Information

We will endeavor to process the personal information provided accurately. However, the affiliated corporation or the customer will be responsible for ensuring that the personal information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

15. Management of Personal Information

We strive to implement appropriate security measures to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of personal information entrusted to us by our customers. Personal information is stored in a secure environment that is not accessible to the general public.

16. Cases where personal information is acquired in a manner that is not easily recognizable by the individual

Cookies are used to make browsing our website more convenient when you return to our website, and do not infringe on your privacy or have any adverse effects on your computer.
Additionally, our website uses the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) data encryption system for all areas where personal information is entered. Furthermore, we have taken measures such as installing a firewall to protect information on the website. However, due to the nature of Internet communications, we cannot completely guarantee security. Please be aware of this in advance.

18.About Certified Personal Information Protection Organizations

An authorized personal information protection organization is an organization that has been certified by the competent minister pursuant to Article 37 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and whose purpose is to ensure the proper handling of personal information by handling complaints regarding the handling of target personal information and providing information to target businesses, etc.

  1. Name of the certified personal information protection organization: Japan Information Technology Promotion Association

  2. Contact for complaint resolution: Privacy Mark Promotion Center Consumer Consultation Desk Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
    TEL: 0120-116-213

For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact the following office.

Sumitomo Real Estate Shiba Building 2nd Building, 4th Floor, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014 REVIC Global Co., Ltd. Administration Department Personal Information Inquiry Section
TEL: 03-6824-9781 (reception hours 10:00-17:30)

*Inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, the New Year holidays, Golden Week, and during the summer holidays will be processed from the next business day.

privacy policy

17. Measures taken to ensure the safety of retained personal data

  1. Establishment of Basic Policy In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data held by us, we have established a "Personal Information Protection Policy" that covers "compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc." and "contact point for questions and complaints."

  2. Establishment of rules regarding the handling of retained personal data We have formulated personal information protection regulations that stipulate how retained personal data should be handled, who should be responsible and who should fulfill their duties, etc. for each stage of the process, such as acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc.

  3. Organizational safety control measures ① We have appointed a person responsible for handling retained personal data, clarified the employees who handle retained personal data and the scope of retained personal data handled by said employees, and established a reporting system to the person responsible in the event of finding or indicating a violation of the law or handling regulations.
    ②Regarding the handling of personal data, we regularly conduct self-inspections and also have audits conducted by other departments and external parties.

  4. Personnel safety control measures ① We provide regular training to employees on important points regarding the handling of retained personal data.
    ②All employees have been required to submit a confidentiality pledge regarding the personal data they hold.

  5. Physical security control measures ①In areas where retained personal data is handled, we manage employee entry and exit and restrict the devices that can be brought in, and take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing retained personal data.
    ② We take measures to prevent theft or loss of devices, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle retained personal data, and when carrying such devices, electronic media, etc., including moving around within the business premises, we take measures to prevent retained personal data from being easily identified.

  6. Technical security control measures 1) We implement access control to limit the persons in charge and the scope of the personal information database that they handle.
    ②We have implemented mechanisms to protect information systems that handle retained personal data from unauthorized external access or malicious software.

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