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  • オーダーメイド教材制作

    Custom-made teaching materials Custom-made , easy-to-understand visualization of a company's unique know-how 魅力・ポイント 選ばれる理由 スタジオ紹介 制作事例 REVIC Global utilizes the appeal, communication, and replaceability of video to provide efficient learning and to improve the practical skills and applied abilities required of business people. We provide opportunities and an environment where people can share various problem situations and experiences (successes, failures, and vicarious experiences). Here we will explain the original, custom-made video teaching materials that we produce upon request from our client companies. Why choose us? Analyze customer issues and find solutions We will thoroughly plan and organize the Long-standing know-how and customer feedback Informed by feedback Professors who study human resource development Backup by training instructors Analyze customer issues and provide solutions Thorough planning and organization Delivering high-quality content in a short time We also handle animation production, visualization of materials such as PPT, and content localization. Please feel free to contact us. Studio Information At Revic Global, we have a recording studio attached to our office building. Not only can you use it to record custom-made videos ordered from our company, but you can also shoot and distribute your own videos. You can also use chromakey compositing using a green screen, video recording in a virtual studio, and live/on-demand program distribution using USTREAM at low cost. Production examples REVIC GLOBAL has been contracted to produce learning content for a variety of companies. Furthermore, the videos we produce are not only available as media products such as DVDs, but are also packaged as e-learning content with a variety of functions, resulting in highly effective learning. Below is an example. Finance Megabanks Regional banks Shinkin banks insurance Major non-life insurance companies Manufacturer Automobiles, home appliance parts, food, beverages, apparel, etc. construction Real Estate Home Sales Other pharmaceutical, medical and welfare, trading companies, printing, publishing, IT, education, government agencies, independent administrative agencies Past best-selling and award-winning works are available on the YouTube channel "REVIC museum, the hall of fame of video teaching materials." Production Flow REVIC Global's custom-made teaching materials development is carried out in the following order: "Analysis, planning/composition" → "Filming" → "Editing" → "Creation/adjustment of deliverables," establishing the service as a complete one-stop solution. Needs research/analysis The purpose is to clarify "what is it being made for" and "what effect will it have" by hearing from the customer about the theme of the content to be made. We hold detailed meetings with the customer to clarify the issues that need to be resolved. Planning and study design We will suggest ways to achieve your learning goals and expected results. We will organize the requirements necessary to solve the problem. We will also propose the optimal learning methods and media to achieve the desired results. This is the phase where we decide on the overall regulations (specifications). Composition and scenario creation Based on the decided learning design, we create a structure proposal and scenario (blueprint). Until the scenario is finalized, we repeatedly discuss the content. photograph Based on the scenario, the performers (MC, actors, etc.) will be selected through auditions. The shooting location and performers may be provided by the customer. 編集 The shooting will be done according to the scenario. *The customer must be present. Depending on the volume of the shooting, the shooting may take several days. After shooting, we edit and create the content. Check it out (preview) A preview will be shown to let you check the content. *If there is any feedback regarding content corrections or changes during the preview, we will make the corrections and ask for your approval at a re-preview. Narration/Music etc. After your approval, we will record narration and add music to complete the content. Final Approval A preview will be shown to let you check the content. *If there is any feedback regarding content corrections or changes during the preview, we will make the corrections and ask for your approval at a re-preview. The appeal of original teaching materials Our original teaching materials, specialized in our company's operations and industry knowledge, are produced to solve management issues. By creating custom-made teaching materials using the know-how that REVIC Global has accumulated over many years in human resource training, we can provide teaching materials that are easier to understand and more communicative. Imaging You can visualize the memories, skills, and know-how in the minds of capable personnel. Doesn't depend on the teacher Always present models at the intended level Social learning Video makes it possible to present various models and situations, and even if an expert is not nearby, students can imitate individual skills and think about how to apply them, resulting in vicarious experience and the effects of imitation and observational learning. Rehearsal effect/structuring effect Before starting technical skill training, which requires hands-on practice, we share an image of how to use the skills and the necessity of acquiring them. By understanding in advance what to do and the framework of thinking, we can increase the efficiency, effectiveness and retention of skills and training.

  • 三井住友海上火災保険株式会社|事例紹介|SmartSkill Campus(スマートスキルキャンパス)

    Case Study - Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. is a member of the MS&AD Insurance Group, a world-leading insurance and financial group and the No. 1 non-life insurance group in Japan, and is a company that handles non-life insurance, which is its core business. In order to realize the ideal society, we face social issues that impede it, quickly identify and communicate the various risks that arise from them, prevent the occurrence of risks, reduce the impact of risks, and provide various products and services to reduce the economic burden when risks become a reality. The company handles both corporate and individual defined contribution pension plans, but for corporate defined contribution pension plans (corporate DC), it primarily supports "medium-sized and small businesses." We spoke with Noda and Hashimoto from the Personal Financial Services Department/Defined Contribution Pension Team about the behind-the-scenes system that supports the management and administration of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance's defined contribution pension plans. *Department names are as of the time of the interview in June 2023. As an organization that manages defined contribution pension plans, we propose system designs, explain the systems to employees, and support applications to obtain approval from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Corporate defined contribution pensions (corporate DC) are a system in which the employer pays the premiums and the employees themselves manage the funds. Since it is difficult to expect employees with no investment experience and no prior knowledge to "manage the funds at their own risk starting tomorrow and build up assets for their retirement benefits and retirement," employers who introduce corporate DC plans are legally required to make an "effort" to provide investment education to their employees. Initially, we only provided services in the form of face-to-face seminars by dispatching lecturers to companies. Later, in response to requests from companies for assistance with those who were unable to attend seminars or for whom it was difficult to dispatch lecturers to remote locations, we added a service menu that provided seminar content on DVDs and other media. However, media such as DVDs require inventory, so even if we wanted to revise the content, we could not respond immediately, which was an issue, so we began considering the following measures. We have investment education content for people who are thinking of joining a corporate DC plan, as well as continuing education content for people who are already members but would like to refresh their knowledge or find out more about the DC plan. The investment education content includes information on what a corporate DC is, how to manage it, and the procedures for its use. The continuing education content goes into more detail and provides detailed information on the features of each investment product. Back to list Providing investment education to companies that have introduced defined contribution pension plans Could you please tell us about the defined contribution pension services offered by Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance? Consideration and implementation of LMS (Learning Management System) You currently provide investment education services through e-learning, but how did you do it prior to that? When we began considering this in 2014, the internet and smartphones were already widespread, and we discussed how e-learning would be easy to use for employees of the companies that adopted it, so we decided to provide the service as one of the pillars of investment education. With DVDs, companies have to purchase one and watch it together, but e-learning has the advantage that you can study on your own. Therefore, we have decided to provide investment education tools in two forms: seminars and e-learning. During the period when it was difficult to hold seminars due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies often chose e-learning, and we felt that it was extremely important for us, as an operations management institution, to have multiple investment education tools. How did you select your e-learning vendor? Our selection criteria were whether the company could provide the services we wanted, whether the administrative burden on the companies that would actually use the system would be minimal, and whether the company had a strong track record in e-learning operations. Of course, because it would be used by a variety of companies, it differs from the usual use of LMS, so it was also essential that the system had functions such as the ability to manage courses for each company. After comparing several companies, your company (REVIC Global) was not actually the cheapest in terms of cost. In the end, in addition to the selection points I mentioned earlier, I decided to go with your company because I heard good reviews from companies that use your services and because your support system is well-developed. We consulted extensively on the design of the administrative flow, and were able to achieve simple operations with minimal administrative burden for both the client and our company. SmartSkill Campusを使った投資教育と、ご利用企業様からの声 What exactly does SmartSkill Campus involve? What kind of feedback have you received from companies that use the service? Employees who have taken the course have told us that they are happy that they can take the course at their own timing and speed, and that they can review the material as many times as they like during the course period. Company representatives have also said that they are very grateful that each employee can progress through the course until they complete the final confirmation test, and that even if someone has not progressed, they can check their progress and provide support. Over the past few years, we have issued an average of 1,000 IDs per year, and there are companies that take the course on a regular basis, so we feel that it is a tool that receives stable support. Creating e-learning content that is easy to understand We are also commissioned to produce e-learning content. Is there anything you keep in mind when creating this content? I am conscious of how to make the content as easy to understand as possible. In 2022, I made a major revision to review all the content. Starting with the selection of the character who will lead the course, I made sure to think from the perspective of the participants, such as what kind of voice tone would be easy to listen to and not boring. In addition, subtitles have been added throughout the entire program, making it accessible to people with hearing impairments. You have been using our services since 2015, please let us know your opinion. When it comes to content production, we are not only pleased with how quickly they can produce it, but also with how they can provide us with suggestions on how to express things in a way that would be easier to understand. Creating a single piece of content is quite a difficult task, and naturally there is a discrepancy at first between what we have in mind and what your company imagines, but you communicate well so we are able to move forward toward the same goal. You were able to incorporate our requests as much as possible within the set schedule, and in the end, we wanted viewers to like the content, and the fact that you were able to respond to various requests toward that goal is the biggest reason why I think it was a good idea to use your company. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. Effectively provide investment education to employees of companies that have introduced corporate defined contribution pension plans (corporate DC) using an LMS However, many of the companies we support are small and medium-sized enterprises, and in most cases they do not have human resources personnel with appropriate knowledge about investments, and even if they do, they cannot allocate resources to employee education. In response to this issue, as an institution that manages defined contribution pension plans, we provide investment education services to employees at the time of system introduction and when reviewing the system after a certain period of time has passed since its introduction. 従来は1年に一度程度で改訂を行っていましたが、最近は資産形成に関する環境変化もあり、数か月に一度の頻度で改訂が必要になっています。従来は少しの修正を行う場合でもコストも時間もかかっていたのですが、御社と相談しタイムリーに更新が行えるよう仕組みを変更したことで、お客様に可能な限り最新の情報をお届けできる体制が整いました。 Is there anything you would like to achieve or challenge in the future? Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance's Future Outlook After the introduction of a corporate DC plan, we are basically on the premise of doing business with you for a long time, but by law, we are now in a position to be evaluated by companies as an operating and management institution once every five years. With the rise in awareness of asset formation in society, it is becoming difficult to receive evaluations from companies by simply providing traditional services. We need to provide new services and listen to the voices of companies and incorporate those that are most requested. SmartSkill Campus can do a variety of things, so we think it could go a step beyond investment education for defined contribution pension plans and be used as content to help corporate employees build assets for the era of 100-year lifespans. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance's Future Outlook Company Name Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. Industry Insurance Eligibility Employees of companies that have introduced corporate DC plans assignment Education for employees of companies that have introduced corporate DC plans Reduce operational burden E-learning content production TOPICS 確定拠出年金の加入導入企業に対し、投資教育を実施 LMS(学習管理システム)の検討・導入について SmartSkill Campusを使った投資教育と、ご利用企業様からの声 「わかりやすい」を意識したeラーニングコンテンツの制作 三井住友海上様の今後の展望 Useful resources Easy to understand! LMS/e-learning study materials set of 3 For those considering introducing or switching to e-learning, you can download three consideration materials all at once. Download materials Seven points to keep in mind when selecting an LMS service We will introduce seven points to consider when choosing an LMS to develop, implement, and succeed in your company's human resource development initiatives. Download Documents Six points for successful LMS operation We will introduce some operational key points for effectively utilizing LMS and solving human resource development issues. Download Documents Please feel free to contact us with any concerns you may have regarding human resource development. Free individual consultation We will answer any concerns or questions you may have regarding the new implementation or replacement of an LMS (Learning Management System), the selection of e-learning content, or the production of in-house training videos. Application Free trial, quote, and inquiries Please click here to request a demo ID to try out the SmartSkill Campus features for free for two weeks, or to request a quote or other inquiries. inquiry

  • 人的資本経営におけるLMSの役割|SmartSkill Campus(スマートスキルキャンパス)

    The role of LMS in human capital management To improve the value of human capital The role of LMS in human capital management LMSとタレントマネジメントシステムの連動による、人的資本項目の開示と育成の仕組み化 The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry defines human capital management as "a management style that regards human resources as capital and maximizes their value, thereby increasing corporate value in the medium to long term." Human Capital What is human capital management? If a company invests in human capital and can maximize the qualities and abilities of its employees, it can improve the performance of the entire company. This outcome is expected to have a positive impact on the company's financial situation, such as increased sales and profits. In other words, human capital management is an effort to link employee growth to the growth of the entire organization and to improve corporate value. To improve the value of human capital Improving human capital value means that employees' abilities, skills, knowledge, experience, etc. improve, and their individual value increases accordingly. Human capital management aims to increase human capital value by improving abilities and skills through investment in employees. Employees with improved human capital value will be more productive and produce higher quality work results. This will improve the productivity and creativity of the entire company and strengthen its competitiveness. In addition, by providing appropriate evaluations and rewards to employees who have achieved results, employees will become even more motivated, promoting sustained improvements in human capital value. These processes complement each other and are important factors in realizing the sustainable growth and development of a company. In order to make appropriate investments in employees, it is necessary to create a talent portfolio based on the business strategy, identify the gap with the current situation, formulate a human resources strategy, and create and implement a talent development plan. LMS plays an important role in implementing human resource development and effectively supporting employee skill development and capacity building. It also allows for the centralized management and extraction of data related to human resource development required for human capital information disclosure. Career development support Learning Portal Interface Administrator Course Recommendations AI Course Recommendations Infrastructure capable of large-scale operation The role of LMS in human capital management Providing education in line with human resource development plans and capacity building systems An LMS can provide personalized learning content to each employee, allowing them to efficiently acquire the skills and knowledge they need by providing learning content that complements any skills that may be lacking. Furthermore, by using the LMS to clarify the career path that employees are aiming for and supporting them in acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve that, employees can effectively study towards their career goals. In this way, an LMS provides strong support for employee skill development and career development. SmartSkill Campus allows you to customize the UI (user interface) such as the top page for your own company. By designing the course screen so that students can see at a glance the learning content required to acquire the skills and knowledge required for their current grade and the next grade up, students can learn the content they need without getting lost. In addition, the service supports employees' career development by allowing administrators to intentionally display "recommended courses" that reflect the company's human resource development strategy, and by using AI to provide learning content tailored to each employee, a recommendation function is also available. Implementing educational policies LMS allows you to develop and implement educational programs online, so you can also implement large-scale programs. Employees can learn anytime, anywhere, without being restricted by location or time, and can improve their skills even in between busy work schedules. In addition, an environment where they can learn as many times as they like allows employees to repeatedly review the learning content and deepen their understanding. Creating such an environment promotes the habit of learning and the development of autonomous human resources, and by allowing employees to realize their own growth, it also leads to improved engagement. SmartSkill Campus is equipped with an infrastructure that allows for large-scale operation, allowing a large number of students to simultaneously watch videos, take tests, and conduct surveys, etc. This makes it possible to implement large-scale educational initiatives. Not only is it compatible with multiple devices, but there is also a smartphone app, and by providing an environment where you can learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere, and as many times as you like, it helps to make learning a habit and fosters the development of independent human resources. Apps Embedding in corporate culture When employees empathize with the company's mission and vision and naturally take actions to put them into practice, you can expect them to work together toward the organization's goals and act based on shared values. By using an LMS to deliver content related to the company's mission and vision, messages from the president, and the latest company trends, employees can deepen their understanding and empathy with the corporate culture and be more likely to become a part of it. SmartSkill Campus allows you to freely distribute original company videos and materials, so you can easily distribute them to all employees, such as a message from the president at the beginning of the fiscal year or in company newsletters, and you can also check the viewing history of participants and conduct surveys. Access control is possible, such as denying access from outside the company and disallowing PDF downloads, so you can safely register highly confidential content. You can also easily create content with audio by using the function that converts PowerPoint materials into e-learning content. Access Control Content Creation Features Ethics and Compliance Training Ethics and compliance education is also specified as one of the disclosure items in "ISO30414" described below. Compliance is essential for a company to maintain sustainable management and build social trust. By utilizing the LMS, we can reduce risks to your company by regularly conducting training on compliance, information security, harassment, and other issues. SmartSkill Campus can deliver content on compliance, information security, harassment, etc. We also offer general-purpose courses, so please feel free to use them. CSR and Compliance Training Content LMS in Human Capital Disclosure Initiatives What is ISO 30414, a guideline for disclosure of information on human capital? ISO30414 is a guideline for disclosure of information on human capital published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in December 2018, and is also known as the "Guideline for Disclosure of Information on Human Capital." It is a compilation of guidelines for reporting on human capital to external and internal stakeholders, and consists of 11 areas and 58 items. It is up to the company to decide which items to disclose. By disclosing information in accordance with ISO30414, you can provide transparent and consistent reporting, which will help you gain the trust of external stakeholders, including investors. In addition, because ISO30414 clearly defines standards and makes it easy to quantify human capital, you can properly evaluate whether your human resources strategy is functioning in line with your business strategy, and use this information to formulate more effective strategies. ISO30414 items that can be extracted from LMS Among the items stipulated in ISO30414, typical data that can be extracted from an LMS include the following: "Ethics and Compliance" area, "Percentage of employees who have received ethics and compliance training" "9. Skills and Abilities" area, "2. Training Participation Rate" "9. Skills and Abilities" area, "3. Training hours per employee" "9. Skills and Abilities" area, "4. Training Attendance Rate by Category" In addition, various items can be extracted and compiled depending on the company's purpose for using the data, such as age, gender, disability, diversity of management, and number of subordinates per manager. Linking LMS and talent management systems to create a system for disclosing and developing human capital items The challenges of human resource development in human capital management include a lack of coordination between human capital plans and actual development activities, and the lack of automation, which places too much of a burden on human resource development staff. As a result, plans may not be realized, or they may be difficult to implement on an ongoing basis, causing them to give up. This issue can be resolved by linking the LMS with a talent management system. Linking the "talent management system," which is the basis for disclosing human capital information and formulating plans, with the "LMS (Learning Management System)," which executes training measures, enables integrated human resource management, enabling efficient planning and execution of training measures, provision of individually optimized learning, and improved engagement by visualizing career paths and growth. SmartSkill HCE SmartSkill Campus works with the new talent management system "SmartSkill HCE" to realize human capital management. SmartSkill HCE's "visualization of personnel strategies" and SmartSkill Campus's "improvement of capabilities" are automatically linked, and AI is used to "advance personnel strategies and training education," which strongly promotes human capital management. SmartSkill Campus also automatically integrates with various other talent management systems. Collaboration with Kaonavi CYDAS integration How to choose an LMS Flow of LMS implementation What is an LMS? FAQ LMS Security The role of LMS in human capital management The difference between LMS and e-learning SmartSkill Campus Free individual consultation and request for information REVIC Global, the company that provides SmartSkill Campus, has a proven track record of implementing LMS for many companies with advanced requirements, and is highly skilled in proposing LMS implementation and utilization support to realize customers' educational ideas. Our LMS professionals have the technical background of our own development and the know-how we have cultivated through accompanying customer success, and will help you select the appropriate LMS. You can download detailed information about SmartSkill Campus, including its service overview, strengths, our support services, global support, and benefits of implementation. Request information Request information Contact Us Business hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday-Friday) tel 03-6824-9782 If you would like to gather information about SmartSkill Campus, request a demo, receive a quote, or discuss business with us, please contact us here. Contact Us

  • 営業・製造向けコンテンツ|eラーニング教材|SmartSkill Campus(スマートスキルキャンパス)

    Content for sales and manufacturing Content Library Content for successful applicants Content for new employees Content for young and mid-career employees Management Content DX/Technology Content Content for sales and manufacturing MBA Training Content CSR and Compliance Training Content Qualification Content Language and Global Human Resource Development Content PC/IT Skills Improvement Content In addition to hierarchical training, we also offer courses in which you can learn the basic knowledge and skills essential for sales/manufacturing jobs and in the field. There is a basic approach to sales. Rather than just implicitly learning from the experience and intuition of your seniors, you can become a highly successful salesperson by systematically and scientifically learning the sales process at a young age. We offer a wide range of basic courses for engineers, including quality control, which is essential in manufacturing, and how to use and think about the seven QC tools. Lineup We offer basic courses that systematize the sales process for sales personnel and courses on proposal and solution sales, while for those working in manufacturing sites and engineers, we offer a variety of technical courses such as "quality control," "mechanical," "electrical and electronic," "plastics," and "press technology." Sales Skills Improvement Series Sales Skills Improvement Basics 1 person/3 months/16,500 yen We will explain everything from raising awareness of the importance of sales to the skills required, as well as the overall picture of the basic sales process necessary for sales activities in the solution era. You will also learn about social responsibility and sales-related laws and penalties. What you'll learn Sales Mindset-The Shortcut to Growth 1. Approach to creating encounters 2. Hearing to share issues 3. Presentations that share values 4. Closing the deal to encourage a decision 5. After-sales support to increase customer satisfaction and profits Sales Basics Series The Basics of Customer Satisfaction Management 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will gain the skills to understand and put into practice the process of linking the results of customer satisfaction surveys and analyses to improvements in customer satisfaction. What you'll learn What is customer satisfaction? Controlling customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction survey and analysis Utilizing the concept of customer satisfaction Sales Basics Series The Basics of Framework Thinking 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will be able to acquire typical framework thinking for analyzing corporate activities from various perspectives, such as the environment surrounding the company, organization, business, products, and technology. What you'll learn Chapter 1. The Consulting Process Chapter 2. Framework for Environmental Analysis Chapter 3. Framework for organizational evaluation Chapter 4. Business and Technology Analysis Framework Sales Basics Series Consulting Basics 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will acquire the knowledge necessary for consulting, how to proceed with projects, and how to market consulting services. What you'll learn Chapter 1. The Consulting Process Chapter 2. How to conduct hypothesis testing Chapter 3. Marketing Professional Services Sales Basics Series The Basics of Proposal Sales 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will learn the process from analyzing customer needs to evaluating solutions and then proposing those solutions. What you'll learn What is a solution proposal? Solution Selection Proposing a solution Following up on a suggestion Use of various methods in proposals Sales Basics Series Basics of Sales Administration 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will gain knowledge of general sales administration management flows and how to apply them. What you'll learn What is sales administration? Trading start stage Stages of deal negotiations Transaction promotion stages Post-deal stage No Image 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen This course will give you an overview of presentations, the process from preparation to delivery, and basic knowledge on how to give presentations in practice. What you'll learn Chapter 1. What is a presentation? Chapter 2. Preparing for a presentation Chapter 3. Giving a Presentation Sales Basics Series Presentation Basics Sales Basics Series Meeting and Hearing Management Basics 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will acquire basic knowledge to put into practice, such as the skills required for meetings and interviews, and points to keep in mind when conducting them. What you'll learn Chapter 1. Meeting and Hearing Management Chapter 2. Meeting Management Chapter 3. Hearing Management Sales Basics Series Project Management Fundamentals 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will learn the overview of project management including progress, cost, risk, and quality, as well as the basic concepts of project monitoring. What you'll learn Chapter 1. Project Management Chapter 2. Project Monitoring Chapter 3. Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Sales Basics Series The basics of business reporting 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will acquire basic knowledge about report creation, such as what a business report is, how to develop logic, and points to keep in mind when creating a report. What you'll learn Chapter 1. Business Reports in Communication Management Chapter 2. Logical Development of Business Reports Overview and flow of report creation Creating key messages etc. Chapter 3. Reporting Configuring Reports Points to note when writing a report, etc. Sales Basics Series Knowledge Management Basics 1 person/3 months/13,970 yen You will learn about the overview of knowledge management, what a knowledge worker is, and the infrastructure and points to keep in mind for utilizing intellectual assets. What you'll learn Chapter 1. Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Overview Utilizing knowledge management Knowledge Worker Chapter 2. Knowledge Management Operations Infrastructure for utilizing intellectual property Points to note for utilizing intellectual property CSR Essential Series The essence of quality control 1 person/3 months/7,700 yen You will be able to learn the basic concepts of quality control, such as what quality is, the significance and importance of quality control, and methods of quality control. What you'll learn Quality and Quality Control The Significance and Importance of Quality Control Quality control methods What is ISO? No Image 1 person/2 months/2,200 yen This course explains management techniques and hierarchical structures, quality, cost and quantity, and quality control. This is fascinating content that can only be achieved through a lecture format, where easy-to-understand examples make it easy to grasp even difficult material. What you'll learn 1. Management techniques and hierarchical structure 2. Quality, cost and quantity 3.Quality Control Quality Control Basics Series Quality Control Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/2 months/2,200 yen This course explains management techniques and hierarchical structures, quality, cost and quantity, and quality control. This is fascinating content that can only be achieved through a lecture format, where easy-to-understand examples make it easy to grasp even difficult material. 学習内容 1.機能と品質 2.品質の種類 3.品質の一元的表現 4.製品と工程の品質 Quality Control Basics Series Quality Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/2 months/2,200 yen This course explains management techniques and hierarchical structures, quality, cost and quantity, and quality control. This is fascinating content that can only be achieved through a lecture format, where easy-to-understand examples make it easy to grasp even difficult material. What you'll learn 1. What is Management? 2. Policy Management 3. Daily Management 4. Initial flow management Quality Control Basics Series Management Courses (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/2 months/2,200 yen This course will explain QC concepts such as fact control, priority orientation, and standardization. This is fascinating content that can only be achieved through a lecture format, where easy-to-understand examples make it easy to grasp even difficult material. What you'll learn 1. Fact Control 2. Priority Orientation 3. Use variation as a measure 4. Causation 5. Standardization Quality Control Basics Series QC Thinking Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/2 months/2,200 yen This course covers management and improvement, problem solving, task accomplishment and more. This is fascinating content that can only be achieved through a lecture format, where easy-to-understand examples make it easy to grasp even difficult material. What you'll learn 1. Management and Improvement 2. Problem 3. Problem solving 4. Problem solving and task accomplishment Quality Control Basics Series Improvement and Problem Solving Courses (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/2 months/2,200 yen This course introduces statistical thinking. This is fascinating content that can only be achieved through a lecture format, where easy-to-understand examples make it easy to grasp even difficult material. What you'll learn 1. Population and Sampling 2. Sampling 3.Type of Data 4. Numerical summary of data Quality Control Basics Series Statistical Thinking Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/2 months/2,200 yen In this course, we will explain the Seven QC Tools and the New Seven QC Tools. This is fascinating content that can only be achieved through a lecture format, where easy-to-understand examples make it easy to grasp even difficult material. What you'll learn 1. Check Sheet 2. Pareto chart 3. Histogram 4. Control Charts 5. Fishbone Diagram 6. Scatter Plot 7. Stratification 8. Introduction of the New Seven QC Tools Quality Control Basics Series Seven QC Tools Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen When mechanical design engineers carry out actual designs, if they use an entirely new material or a structure with which they have no previous experience, they must start learning from scratch if they do not have basic knowledge of materials and mechanics. This course allows you to efficiently study the four fields of material mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and mechanical mechanics. What you'll learn 1.Material mechanics (Basics of stress, strain and moment) 2. Fluid Mechanics (Forces acting on fluids and basic terminology) 3. Thermodynamics (Basic laws and terminology of heat) 4. Mechanical Dynamics (Fundamentals of Vibration) Mechanical Engineer Series Mechanical Engineering Basics_4 Forces Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen The materials used in machinery and equipment are more diverse than ever before, and it may not be possible to estimate them using past processing conditions or strength calculations. In this course, you will learn about metal materials and heat treatment, as well as mechanical strength properties, and also about plastic materials. What you'll learn 1. Metallic materials (Structure and heat treatment) 2. Metallic materials (Mechanical properties) 3. Plastic materials (Types and molding methods, etc.) 4. Composite and ceramic materials (Types and uses) Mechanical Engineer Series Materials Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen For mechanical design engineers, basic knowledge of mechanical drawing is a must. This course is not just about teaching drafting knowledge; it is structured to teach everything from the basics of drafting to reliability design, with an awareness of practical aspects such as processing and costs. What you'll learn 1. Basics of Mechanical Drawing (Basic matters of drawing) 2. Drawing of machine elements (How each part is illustrated) 3. Fundamentals of Machine Design (Machine parts design and processing) 4. Reliability Design (Basic knowledge regarding safety design of machinery and equipment) Mechanical Engineer Series Design and Drafting Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen When mechanical design engineers design mechanical equipment, they need to have a solid understanding of the characteristics of basic machine elements. In this course, you will learn everything from fixed elements to rotating elements and daily inspections. What you'll learn 1. Fixed fastening elements (Test knowledge of terms related to each element) 2. Rotating Elements (Terminology and usage of gears and shafts) 3.Transmission elements (Basic knowledge of mechanisms) 4. Conservation Management (Questioning about machine maintenance) Mechanical Engineer Series Machine Elements Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen This course covers the fundamental technologies of sensors, actuators, and controllers, which are the basic elements of automation systems, and finally covers the control technologies that operate them. What you'll learn 1. Sensors (Question about application to mechanical systems) 2. Actuator (Questioning about application of mechanical systems) 3. Controller (Questioning about application of mechanical systems) 4. Control System (Questioning basic terms and their meanings in control engineering) Mechanical Engineer Series Measurement and Control Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/28,600 yen In this course, you will first learn the basics, such as what plastic is and what types there are. Next, we will learn in detail about the properties of plastic as a material, comparing it with other materials. Furthermore, we will explain the characteristics and disadvantages of various types of plastic. What you'll learn 1. Plastics and their friends 2. Properties of Plastics 3. General plastics 4. Specialty plastics and related materials Plastics Technology Series for Product Design Basic Course 1: What is Plastic? (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/15,400 yen There are various methods for processing plastics depending on the resin used and the desired product. This course covers injection molding, other processing methods, and secondary operations that add value to your products. What you'll learn 1. Main molding methods 2. Injection molding 3. Other molding methods 4. Secondary processing Plastics Technology Series for Product Design Basic Course 2: Plastic Molding (Japanese, English, Chinese) No Image 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen When electrical and electronic engineers actually carry out a design, they often create the final drawing by partially revising and adding to the circuit diagrams that have been used within the company up until now. In this course, you will go back to the basics and efficiently learn about four areas: DC circuits, AC circuits, noise, and electrical safety. What you'll learn 1. DC Circuit 2.AC Circuit 3. Noise 4. Electrical Safety Electrical and Electronic Engineer Series Basic Electrical Circuits Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen Electronic components have intricate characteristics, and simple logical configurations alone often do not allow for successful electronic circuit design. Diodes, filters, op amps, and transistors may seem like separate fields, but they all share a common thread in handling basic signals. This course will allow you to study these four areas efficiently. What you'll learn 1. Diode circuit 2. Filter circuit 3. Operational Amp Circuit 4. Transistor Circuit Electrical and Electronic Engineer Series Basic course on electronic circuits (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen When constructing electrical and electronic circuit systems, it is essential to have technical knowledge about the properties of semiconductors themselves and various semiconductor products. Please make sure you acquire practical knowledge of semiconductor devices, and then steadily carry out the circuit design and system design tasks required for your job. What you'll learn 1. Semiconductor properties 2. Semiconductor Devices 3. Semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturing process 4. Digital ICs Electrical and Electronic Engineer Series Semiconductor Device Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen When designing an electrical and electronic circuit system, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what input/output devices will be connected to the controller and what will be controlled. This course allows you to efficiently learn about microcontrollers, measuring instruments, and user interfaces. What you'll learn 1. Basic structure of a computer (microcomputer) 2. Electrical and electronic measuring instruments (1) 3. Electrical and electronic measuring instruments (2) 4. User Interface Electrical and Electronic Engineer Series Interface Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen Currently, the importance of knowledge about power energy calculations and power devices is increasing significantly in every industrial field. This course will allow you to acquire practical knowledge of the characteristics and control methods of various motors, as well as electricity and power electronics. What you'll learn 1. DC motors and stepping motors 2.AC motor 3. Power Electronics 4. Energy Technology Electrical and Electronic Engineer Series Motor and Electric Power Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/8,800 yen Knowledge about sensors, such as which sensors are suitable for which objects and how to process the sensor signal output, is essential for electrical and electronic engineers when designing circuits to control mechanical equipment. This course will ensure that you understand how different sensors work and how to handle them. What you'll learn 1. Sensor Overview 2. Light sensor 3. Position Sensor 4. Sensors used in production equipment and robots Electrical and Electronic Engineer Series Sensor Technology Course (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/11,000 yen In this course, you will first learn about materials and molding methods, and then learn about molded product design and mold design to put that knowledge into practice. We will also cover topics such as the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act and environmental protection. What you'll learn 1. Plastics and how to choose them 2. Plastics-related laws and regulations Plastics Technology Series for Product Design Basic Course 3: Characteristics and Applications, etc. (Japanese, English, Chinese) No Image 1 person/3 months/8,250 yen When it comes to parts processing, the quality of the press dies greatly affects the product quality, cost, and delivery time. As the first step in building a solid foundation for die manufacturing, experienced practitioners will provide a general explanation of press dies, with an emphasis on the basics. What you'll learn 1. Press processing, dies and press machines 2. Overview of press processing systems and equipment Press Technology Series for Product Design Basic Course 1: Overview of press processing, systems and equipment (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/12,650 yen In this course you will learn about shearing and bending operations. We will explain the overview of shearing, clearance, calculation formulas, material yield and strip layout, and punching dies, as well as the overview of bending, the length of material required for bending, springback, bending product design, types of bending dies and design precautions. What you'll learn 1.What press processing can do 2.What can be done with press processing Press Technology Series for Product Design Basic Course 2 What can be done with press processing① (Japanese, English, Chinese) 1 person/3 months/12,650 yen In this course, you will learn about the overview of drawing, drawing force, and the relationship between drawing and press machines, as well as an overview of forming processes, types of forming processes such as flange forming and stretch forming, and dies. You will also learn about types of compression processes such as extrusion and swaging, and dies, etc. What you'll learn 1.What press processing can do 2.What can be done with press processing 3.What can be done with press processing Press Technology Series for Product Design Basic Course 3 What can be done with press processing② (Japanese, English, Chinese) Please feel free to contact us for a free demo ID or to request information. Contact us

  • LMSのセキュリティ|SmartSkill Campus(スマートスキルキャンパス)

    LMS Security Major threats to be concerned about when introducing and operating an LMS Security required by LMS providers LMS that handles personnel information and confidential learning content requires high security. Here, we will introduce some of the threats that LMS should protect against and the response of SmartSkill Campus. Security Major threats to be concerned about when introducing and operating an LMS Threat 1. Unauthorized access and other cyber attacks LMS, which is a cloud service, may be targeted by malicious third parties, who may attempt to gain unauthorized access to cloud servers with the aim of stealing data or launch DDoS attacks that send large amounts of traffic and temporarily halt services. To protect against such threats, SmartSkill Campus has implemented an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) that constantly monitor the network. If it detects any unauthorized access, abnormal communication, or the possibility of a cyber attack, the communication will be automatically blocked. We also promptly apply security patches to resolve vulnerabilities. Threat 2. Spoofing and non-repudiation There is a risk that a malicious third party may gain access by posing as a legitimate student and perform fraudulent operations such as leaking personal information or confidential data or falsifying grades. With SmartSkill Campus, you can set strict login authentication, require periodic password resets, set password policies (number of characters, combination of characters) for each company, lock accounts due to the number of failed login authentication attempts, time out sessions after a certain period of time, etc. Access logs are also collected, so if unauthorized access is detected, the logs can be analyzed immediately. In addition, you can restrict access to logins and courses by IP address, eliminating the risk of access from unregistered IP addresses. Threat 3: Data loss You also need to consider the risk of data loss or corruption due to disasters or unpredictable threats. In the unlikely event that something goes wrong, SmartSkill Campus creates backup data on a daily basis and stores it in a safe remote location, so you can restore it to that point. In addition, backup data and other accumulated data are appropriately encrypted and stored. Threat 4. Data leakage from student devices Teaching materials include a variety of media formats, such as videos and PDFs. If teaching materials are distributed or downloaded by students, the devices themselves are exposed to the threat of loss or theft and unauthorized access. In addition, it becomes easy for students to copy or transfer data, raising concerns about unexpected data leakage. At SmartSkill Campus, we take measures to prevent data leakage from student devices by implementing access control, such as limiting viewing and browsing of the multimedia used in teaching materials to only on SmartSkill Campus. Access Control How to choose an LMS Flow of LMS implementation The difference between LMS and e-learning FAQ What is an LMS? LMS Security The role of LMS in human capital management SmartSkill Campus Free individual consultation and request for information REVIC Global, the company that provides SmartSkill Campus, has a proven track record of implementing LMS for many companies with advanced requirements, and is highly skilled in proposing LMS implementation and utilization support to realize customers' educational ideas. Our LMS professionals have the technical background of our own development and the know-how we have cultivated through accompanying customer success, and will help you select the appropriate LMS. You can download detailed information about SmartSkill Campus, including its service overview, strengths, our support services, global support, and benefits of implementation. Request information Request information Contact Us Business hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday-Friday) tel 03-6824-9782 If you would like to gather information about SmartSkill Campus, request a demo, receive a quote, or discuss business with us, please contact us here. Contact Us Security required by LMS providers Acquisition of related qualifications and certifications Compliance with security standards such as ISO27001 means meeting high standards for information security. The Privacy Mark indicates the appropriate handling of personal information. Obtaining these qualifications shows that employees have been educated on security and privacy protection and that they carry out their work with a high level of awareness. Revic Global, the operating company of SmartSkill Campus, is ISO 27001 and Privacy Mark certified. Information Security Management System The organizational structure regarding information security is also important. REVIC Global has appointed a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and regularly holds an Information Security Committee chaired by the CISO and made up of information security managers from each department. The Information Security Committee strives to promote and manage information security measures across the company. In addition, we have appointed a personal information protection manager, established policies regarding the handling of personal information, and strive to protect personal information. Other security measures SmartSkill Campus protects companies' important information by taking measures such as encrypting data using SSL (TLS), various network filtering, and regularly applying security patches. Obtaining security certifications

  • お問い合わせ

    inquiry For details on how we handle personal information, please see "Handling of personal information on the inquiry form" below. If you agree to the "Handling of personal information on the inquiry form ," please check "I agree" and then register using the form below. Handling of personal information on the inquiry form 1. Name of organization or name REVIC GLOBAL Co., Ltd. 2. Name or job title, affiliation and contact details of the personal information protection manager (or his/her representative) 3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information To respond to various inquiries To provide information about our services 4. Outsourcing of personal information handling operations We may outsource all or part of our personal information handling operations to external parties. In such cases, we will carefully select contractors on the condition that they have established and implemented a management system that can adequately protect personal information, and will conclude a non-disclosure agreement with the contractor to ensure that they strictly manage your personal information. 5. Request for disclosure of personal information You may contact our inquiry desk to make requests regarding the disclosure of your personal information (notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension or erasure of use, and suspension of provision to third parties). In such cases, we will respond within a reasonable period of time after verifying your identity. Our contact details for inquiries regarding personal information are as follows: 〒105-0014 Sumitomo Real Estate Shiba Building 2nd Building, 4th Floor, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo REVIC Global Co., Ltd. Administration Department Personal Information Inquiry Section TEL: 03-6824-9781 (reception hours 10:00-17:30) *Inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, the New Year holidays, Golden Week, and during the summer holidays will be processed on the next business day. 6. Voluntary provision of personal information Whether or not you provide your personal information to us is up to you, but please note that if you do not provide your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with appropriate services. 7. When acquiring personal information through a method that cannot be easily recognized by the individual Cookies are used to make browsing our website more convenient when you return to our website, and do not infringe on your privacy or have any adverse effects on your computer. Additionally, our website uses the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) data encryption system for all areas where personal information is entered. Furthermore, we have taken measures such as installing a firewall to protect information on the website. However, due to the nature of Internet communications, we cannot guarantee complete security. Please be aware of this in advance. Personal Information Protection Manager Kashiwagi Osamu Conservation Manager Affiliation REVIC GLOBAL Inc. Management Department Contact details for the conservation manager TEL:03-6824-9781

  • サイトマップ

    Sitemap Sitemap E-learning materials List of e-learning materials Custom-made learning materials OEM supply Content Library CSR and Compliance Digital Transformation and Technology Content for successful applicants Language and Global Human Resource Development Management Content MBA Content for new employees PC and IT skills Qualifications Content for sales and manufacturing Content for young and mid-career employees LMSとは How to Choose an LMS Flow of LMS implementation LMS Security The difference between LMS and e-learning FAQ System operation status Features List Implementation support Case studies Company Overview Corporate Philosophy Message from the President Major Customers Electronic Announcement About REVIC Global About REVIC Global Shanghai Seminar List Announcement list column

  • よくある質問(FAQ)

    FAQ Q.Can I check the sample? A. Yes, it is possible. Please contact us using our inquiry form and state "Demo ID issuance." Q. Can I take the course on my smartphone? A. Yes, you can take the course. You can study on multiple devices, including smartphones, PCs, and tablets. Q. What is the operating environment for e-learning content? A.Please check below for the recommended environment. ■ Recommended environment for using e-learning content OS Windows 8.1, 10, Mac OS X (10.9 Intel or later) *Android 5.0 or later, iPhone4s, iPad2 or later (iOS 9.0 or later) devices (Wi-Fi environment is recommended for use.) Some Android devices may not be compatible. Please check in advance to see if you can use the service. browser Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari *We recommend using the latest browser. Plugins Adobe Reader Line speed (When watching on-demand video) Download speed of 700 kbps or more *Please note that even if the above operating environment is met, you may not be able to use REVIC Global's e-learning content due to factors such as your hardware, software installation status, and network environment. Q.Can I use it outside of Japan? A:Yes, it is possible. Q. Is it possible to manage students' learning progress? A: Yes, it is possible. We will issue an administrator ID to the administrator so that they can check the progress. Q.Do you have any security-related qualifications? A.We are Privacy Mark and ISO27001 certified. Q.Is there support or inquiries for students? A. Yes, there is. If you have forgotten your ID or password or are unable to log in, you can use our service counter. Q. Is it possible to enter into a non-disclosure agreement or a service outsourcing agreement? A: Yes, it is possible. How to choose an LMS Flow of LMS implementation The difference between LMS and e-learning What is an LMS? LMS Security FAQ The role of LMS in human capital management SmartSkill Campus Free individual consultation and request for information REVIC Global, the company that provides SmartSkill Campus, has a proven track record of implementing LMS for many companies with advanced requirements, and is highly skilled in proposing LMS implementation and utilization support to realize customers' educational ideas. Our LMS professionals have the technical background of our own development and the know-how we have cultivated through accompanying customer success, and will help you select the appropriate LMS. You can download detailed information about SmartSkill Campus, including its service overview, strengths, our support services, global support, and benefits of implementation. Request information Request information Contact Us Business hours: 9:30-18:30 (Monday-Friday) tel 03-6824-9782 If you would like to gather information about SmartSkill Campus, request a demo, receive a quote, or discuss business with us, please contact us here. Contact Us

  • 企業概要| 株式会社レビックグローバル

    Company Overview Company Overview Corporate philosophy and message from the president Major Customers Electronic Announcement About REVIC Global About REVIC Global Shanghai Management Team President and CEO: Osamu Kashiwagi Director: Shintaro Nakamura Director: Seiichi Goto Director: Junji Takeshita Director Hiroshi Hayashiyama Business location Tokyo, Shanghai Audit & Supervisory Board Member Kumi Matsumoto Major Shareholders Terrace 1 Co., Ltd. Affiliated companies Shanghai Renbei Technology Co., Ltd. Room 904, Enterprise Building, No. 219, Republic of China Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai Permits and licenses ISO/IEC 27001:2013 /JIS Q 27001:2014 (JQA-IM0730), Privacy Mark (21000023(09)) partner Withas Co., Ltd. NTT Learning Systems, Inc. SMBC Consulting Co., Ltd. Works Applications Co., Ltd. Gaiax Inc. Cicom Brains Inc. Cybax, Inc. TAC Corporation Asahi Publishing Co., Ltd. Lightworks Inc. En Japan Co., Ltd. 60,000,000 yen Capital Head Office Location Sumitomo Real Estate Shiba Building 2, 4th floor, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo Trade name REVIC GLOBAL Co., Ltd. Access location Sumitomo Real Estate Shiba Building 2, 4th floor, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo Nearest station 7 minutes walk from Hamamatsucho Station on the JR and Tokyo Monorail lines 7 minutes walk from Daimon Station on the Asakusa and Oedo lines 8 minutes walk from Shibakoen Station on the Mita line

  • [セミナー]商工中金 人づくり支援室室長が語る! ~企業内大学で推進する人的資本経営について~

    [Free Seminar] The head of the Human Resource Development Support Office at Shoko Chukin Bank speaks! - Human capital management promoted through in-house universities - Seminar Overview Starting in 2023, disclosure of human capital information in securities reports will become mandatory, marking the start of full-scale human capital management efforts. As attention is being paid to human capital management and values regarding work styles are diversifying, changes are also being called for in "new forms of motivation," "work styles," and "the ideal type of employee." In this seminar, we will invite Mr. Muraoka, Head of the Human Resource Development Support Office at The Shoko Chukin Bank, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shoko Chukin Bank), which has also been selected for the "Consortium for Human Capital Management that Contributes to Corporate Value," to talk about "Human Capital Management Promoted at In-Company Universities." Shoko Chukin Bank is also using our LMS "SmartSkill Campus" within its in-house university, and is working to develop "human resources who will continue to innovate in order to increase the corporate value of their customers," aiming not only to provide them with the skills necessary for their jobs, but also to create shared value with customers based on purpose. We look forward to your participation. ▼Recommended for: ・Those who want to know about other companies' human capital management initiatives ・Those interested in in-house university initiatives ・Human resource managers considering introducing an LMS Date and time of presentation Date and time: Thursday, August 1, 2024 13:00-14:00 Participation fee: Free Capacity: 100 people Venue: Online (Zoom) Speakers The Shoko Chukin Bank Ltd. Counsellor for the DE&I Promotion Department and Head of the Human Resource Development Support Office Hidehisa Muraoka He joined the company in 1998 and worked in sales and screening of loans for small and medium-sized enterprises, before moving to the headquarters screening section where he was in charge of planning and industry research. After that, he held various positions including managerial positions at sales branches and company-wide compliance planning, and is currently the Advisor to the DE&I Promotion Department and Head of the Human Resource Development Support Office. In an era when values regarding work styles are becoming increasingly diverse, Shoko Chukin Bank established an in-house university called "Hitodzukuri College" last year with the aim of enabling each employee to adapt to change and build a lifelong career that is unique to them. We strive every day to develop not only the skills necessary for the job, but also "human resources who will continue to innovate in order to increase our customers' corporate value," with the aim of creating shared value with our customers based on their purpose. program Introducing the LMS "SmartSkill Campus" (Revic Global) An example of human capital management promoted through in-house universities (Mr. Muraoka, Shoko Chukin Bank) Summary and Q&A Application Form Handling of personal information on the seminar application form 1. Name of organization or name REVIC GLOBAL Co., Ltd. 2. Name or job title, affiliation and contact details of the personal information protection manager (or his/her representative) 3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information Responses to inquiries Contact regarding the seminar you have applied for Providing information on products and services, campaigns, seminars and events, etc. 4. Outsourcing of personal information handling operations We may outsource all or part of our personal information handling operations to external parties. In such cases, we will carefully select contractors on the condition that they have established and implemented a management system that can adequately protect personal information, and will conclude a non-disclosure agreement with the contractor to ensure that they strictly manage your personal information. 5. Request for disclosure of personal information You may contact our inquiry desk to make requests regarding the disclosure of your personal information (notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension or erasure of use, and suspension of provision to third parties). In such cases, we will respond within a reasonable period of time after verifying your identity. Our contact details for inquiries regarding personal information are as follows: 〒105-0014 Sumitomo Real Estate Shiba Building 2nd Building, 4th Floor, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo REVIC Global Co., Ltd. Administration Department Personal Information Inquiry Section TEL: 03-6824-9781 (reception hours 10:00-17:30) *Inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, the New Year holidays, Golden Week, and during the summer holidays will be processed on the next business day. 6. Voluntary provision of personal information Whether or not you provide your personal information to us is up to you, but please note that if you do not provide your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with appropriate services. 7. When acquiring personal information through a method that cannot be easily recognized by the individual Cookies are used to make browsing our website more convenient when you return to our website, and do not infringe on your privacy or have any adverse effects on your computer. Additionally, our website uses the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) data encryption system for all areas where personal information is entered. Furthermore, we have taken measures such as installing a firewall to protect information on the website. However, due to the nature of Internet communications, we cannot completely guarantee security. Please be aware of this in advance. Personal Information Protection Manager Kashiwagi Osamu Conservation Manager Affiliation REVIC GLOBAL Inc. Management Department Contact details for the conservation manager TEL:03-6824-9781

  • DX・テクノロジー|eラーニング教材|SmartSkill Campus(スマートスキルキャンパス)

    DX/Technology Content Content Library Content for successful applicants Content for new employees Content for young and mid-career employees Management Content DX/Technology Content Content for sales and manufacturing MBA Training Content CSR and Compliance Training Content Qualification Content Language and Global Human Resource Development Content PC/IT Skills Improvement Content Image: DxGROW/Institution for a Global Society, Inc. We live in an age where only companies that can create new business value will survive. Until now, digital transformation (DX) and technology have been the work of the systems department, but from now on, all business people will need to understand it and put it into practice in their work. We provide content to promote DX to "all employees" and create "people and organizations that create new value." Lineup We have prepared content to promote "innovation creation" and "business efficiency" through DX and technology. DxGROW e-learning 1 person/2 months/22,000 yen (tax included) This is a course set consisting of "DxGROW DX Basics" and "DxGROW Data Science Basics." In the Society 5.0 era, it will be essential for "all employees" to understand and practice "aggressive DX," not just a select few specialists. This program will support you in taking that first step. View product introduction DxGROW DX Basic Edition 1 person/2 months/16,500 yen (tax included) Digital transformation (DX) is bringing about discontinuous changes to our lives and is also dramatically altering the structure of industry. This content allows you to learn the essence of DX in an easy-to-understand manner without any prior knowledge. View product introduction DxGROW Data Science Basics 1 person/2 months/16,500 yen (tax included) Data-based decision-making is becoming increasingly important in all business settings. Discussions based on objective evidence, such as data, are widely needed as a global standard. In this course, you will learn the basics of data science in simple terms. View product introduction 無料デモID発行・資料請求など、お気軽にご相談ください Contact us

  • 会員制サービス『SmartSkillVideoLibrary』

    For membership service providers スキマ時間に、いつでも、どこでも、あなたのキャリアをアップデートするポータブルスキルを Do you have any of these concerns regarding member services? 豊富な動画コンテンツと圧倒的なコストパフォーマンスを誇る Solved! 6 Features Easy-to-understand, comprehensive, and reliable portable skill videos You can watch up to 664 videos that are proven and highly reliable and are used for in-house training by major Japanese companies. *The number of videos is as of September 2022. A stable service infrastructure that can withstand a large number of users and accesses We use a service delivery platform that is used by over 1.7 million people every month. There are no access restrictions on simultaneous connections. New videos are added one after another, making this an evolving service that never goes out of date We will add about 30-200 new videos per year at no charge. The service guarantees updates so that members will not get bored. *The number of videos added will vary depending on the contract type. TOPページにカスタマイズエリアあり There is a customizable area, so you can add your own company touch by posting announcements or original content. *Top page customization is optional. Long track record of member service support It has been introduced to many member services, including research institutes, regional banks, and welfare companies. It has also been adopted by many financial institutions, so security is also assured. 貴社サービスと簡単に連携 Seamless screen transitions are achieved through SSO (single sign-on) integration. We also provide simple SSO, which is easy to set up. 充実の動画ラインナップ 日本を代表する大手企業が企業内教育で利用している実績豊富で信頼性の高い動画、464動画+新作動画をご視聴いただけます。 「新入社員から管理者まで全階層の教育に対応する幅広いポータブルスキル」に「情報セキュリティ」を加えた、充実のラインナップです。 Business Mind Follow the rules of the workplace … 9 videos / approx. 30 minutes motivation Jobs and Responsibilities Company Structure Company figures Basics of work and mindset case drama … 4 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 11 videos / approx. 50 minutes … 11 videos / approx. 30 minutes … 5 videos / approx. 20 minutes …2 動画/約30 分 ビジネススキル Spinach, Lens, Soybean … 5 videos / approx. 20 minutes How to proceed with work Business Communications Problem Solving Time Management Business Documents … 6 videos / approx. 30 minutes …5 動画/約20 分 … 4 videos / approx. 10 minutes … 5 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 7 videos / approx. 20 minutes Business Email Principles Fax Etiquette Idea generation method QC Basics Credit Management and Contracts … 4 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 3 videos / approx. 10 minutes … 5 videos / approx. 10 minutes … 9 videos / approx. 50 minutes … 3 videos / approx. 10 minutes マネジメント ​ Work Management … 9 videos / approx. 30 minutes Team Building Improvement and problem solving Development of subordinates マネジメントの基本 Diversity in the Workplace … 8 videos / approx. 40 minutes … 6 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 4 videos / approx. 30 minutes … 6 videos / approx. 20 minutes …5 動画/約30 分 Principles of goal management Communication and leadership principles ​ Motivation theory Evaluation points to note Coaching Basics … 6 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 15 videos / approx. 80 minutes … 9 videos / approx. 40 minutes … 9 videos / approx. 60 minutes … 6 videos / approx. 20 minutes Principles of goal setting and management Making the goal concrete 問題解決と目標達成 … 11 videos / approx. 70 minutes … 8 videos / approx. 40 minutes … 15 videos / approx. 60 minutes Business Strategy Strategic Thinking … 7 videos / approx. 40 minutes Environmental Analysis Framework Economies of scale and the experience curve Strategy Development Planning execution …6 動画/約50 分 … 7 videos / approx. 50 minutes … 6 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 5 videos / approx. 10 minutes … 5 videos / approx. 10 minutes Management skills 全社戦略 … 4 videos / approx. 40 minutes Business Strategy Growth Strategy and Innovation Profitability Analysis Efficiency Analysis 安全性分析 … 5 videos / approx. 50 minutes … 5 videos / approx. 30 minutes … 7 videos / approx. 40 minutes … 6 videos / approx. 40 minutes … 6 videos / approx. 50 minutes Growth Analysis … 3 videos / approx. 20 minutes SDGs What are the SDGs? … 5 videos / approx. 30 minutes Background of the need for SDGs The connection between SDGs and business … 3 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 7 videos / approx. 30 minutes ビジネスマナー Knowledge for working adults … 8 videos / approx. 30 minutes Correct use of language Telephone answering Reception Business Phone Case Drama Case drama … 4 videos / approx. 20 minutes …7 動画/約20 分 … 7 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 2 videos / approx. 30 minutes …2 動画/約30 分 communication ビジネスコミュニケーションケースドラマ … 2 videos / approx. 20 minutes The Art of Active Listening Technology that moves people Social Style 相手を知る/自分を知る Assertive Communication … 2 videos / approx. 10 minutes …9 動画/約50 分 … 5 videos / approx. 30 minutes …6 動画/約30 分 …2 動画/約10 分 negotiation The art of persuasion The art of questioning … 2 videos / approx. 10 minutes … 9 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 4 videos / approx. 20 minutes Career Design Career autonomy …6 動画/約20 分 Career mindset Work … 12 videos / approx. 50 minutes …6 動画/約20 分 Guidance and Development How to proceed with OJT How to proceed with coaching Study session techniques Instructional Design Training Design … 5 videos / approx. 20 minutes …10 動画/約20 分 …2 動画/約10 分 … 4 videos / approx. 20 minutes …4 動画/約10 分 マーケティング ニーズとSTP 4P戦略 Brand strategy and purchasing model … 7 videos / approx. 40 minutes … 6 videos / approx. 50 minutes … 5 videos / approx. 40 minutes Logical thinking Deductive and Inductive Methods … 6 videos / approx. 20 minutes Causation MECE Logic Tree Pyramid Structure … 5 videos / approx. 20 minutes …5 動画/約20 分 …3 動画/約10 分 … 6 videos / approx. 20 minutes Information Security 情報セキュリティの最新事情と企業の取り組み … 2 videos / approx. 10 minutes Information Security in the Office Information security outside the office Dealing with "invisible threats" lurking on the Internet … 5 videos / approx. 40 minutes … 3 videos / approx. 30 minutes … 4 videos / approx. 30 minutes Creativity and Innovation ​基礎知識 … 4 videos / approx. 10 minutes ​ダイナミック・ケイパビリティ Job Theory … 8 videos / approx. 20 minutes … 6 videos / approx. 20 minutes Knowledge Creation Theory Ambidextrous management Open Innovation … 6 videos / approx. 10 minutes …11 動画/約30 分 … 12 videos / approx. 20 minutes 464 videos + 30-200 new videos added per year! *The number of videos is as of September 2022. *The number of additional videos varies depending on the plan. The " First Addition" is available for both the Light Plan and Standard Plan, while the "Second Addition" and subsequent videos are only available for the Standard Plan. 464 videos + 30-200 new videos added per year! 464 videos + new videos An extra 30-200 per year ! We cover all levels of education, from new employees to managers. User-first UI Introducing the UI Easy to select content If there is a specific course you would like to take, you can use the "Search Box." If not, you can search for courses that suit your interests using "Popular Tags" or "Categories." Fresh every time you visit With an updatable library of "currently being watched courses" and "course rankings" that reflect the activity log, you can always encounter new courses, stimulating your motivation to learn. "Recommended content" can be set by the administrator. Useful features | Bookmark settings You can bookmark your favorite courses or courses you want to watch again later. *The data will be stored on the device you are accessing the site from. There is no association with the ID. Simple and intuitive UI The management screen has a simple and clean design. No manual is required and it can be operated intuitively. Data can be utilized Since the history of member ID usage is recorded, data such as the number of logins, number of views, and search trend words can be easily checked on the dashboard. By utilizing the data, you can support your customers and improve your company's services. What you can do on the admin screen Dashboard (Charts/Datasheets) Notification registration Recommended Course Registration Administrator Information データ活用のできる管理画面 Linking with your service site Seamless screen transitions with SSO (single sign-on) integration *We also provide a simple SSO that is easy to set up. Offering Plans *The number of videos is as of September 2022. Apply for a free demo ID Apply here

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