Security Policy
Established: June 2, 2009 Revised: May 18, 2016
REVIC Global Co., Ltd. President and CEO Osamu Kashiwagi
1. Purpose
The purpose of the information security management system is to prevent problems from occurring and raise awareness of each individual's information assets by establishing basic rules for protecting the company.
We operate an information security management system and make continuous improvements in order to strive to provide reliability for customer satisfaction and ensure smooth business operations.
2. Basic Principles
1. What we must protect
Confidential information about customers (companies/organizations)
Privacy information regarding customers (individuals)
Our business know-how
2. Key challenges to be aware of
Information leakage due to unauthorized access
Information leakage by outsiders through physical means
Breach of trust by in-house workers
Any other information security issues that may arise in the course of business operations, for which there are sufficient cost-effective measures available
We will take care to ensure that operations are carried out by personnel who do not have any information security issues.
Implement measures to provide customer trust consistent with business operations.
Create an environment in which in-house employees find it difficult to commit acts of misconduct.
Comply with legal regulations.
3. Scope
Target business: Cloud services and content development related to in-house human resource training
4. Compliance Regarding Information Security
We will take into consideration the Copyright Act, the Unfair Competition Prevention Act, and the Labor Standards Act, and will establish an information security management system. We will also comply with the confidentiality agreements with our customers.